A woman getting with teeth color matched with a shade guide.

Do you feel self-conscious about the shade of your teeth?

Your teeth can lose their luster over time due to various factors. But reducing the risks of discolouration is possible.

Here are some tips to minimize tooth staining and whiten your teeth.

  1. Brush and floss regularly.

    Regular brushing and flossing prevent build-up on teeth surfaces. When you eat or drink, residue accumulates on the teeth.

    Poor or absent brushing and flossing can cause these deposits to harden and turn into tartar. Tartar can make the teeth look dull and dark. And only your dental hygienist can remove it.

    Be sure to brush every side of your teeth even if they’re not easily visible. Remember to floss too at least once a day to get rid of debris that your brush cannot reach between teeth.

    These two habits not only prevent discolouration but also improve your oral health.

  2. Use tooth whitening toothpaste.

    Consider switching to a whitening toothpaste. Be sure to consult with your dentist for product recommendations if you’re experiencing other dental issues such as sensitive teeth.

    Keep in mind that toothpaste only contains a small amount of whitening agents. Instant results aren’t guaranteed. Talk to your dentist in Grande Prairie about tooth whitening treatments offered in the dental office

    for quicker solutions.

  3. Drink plenty of water.

    It’s beneficial to drink water after meals if you’re unable to brush right away. Water rinses away the debris left in the mouth after eating.

    Water also combats dry mouth and protects the enamel from acid attacks.

    Dentin becomes exposed when the enamel erodes. Since the dentin is softer and yellowish, it can cause your smile to appear darker too.

  4. Maintain a balanced diet.

    Fruits and vegetables don’t directly whiten the teeth, but they minimize debris build-up and slow the discolouration process. Chewing crunchy and water-rich fruits and vegetables can stimulate salivary flow and break down plaque.

    Foods rich in Vitamin C strengthen and protect the gums against disease.

  5. Reduce intake of highly-pigmented food and beverages.

    Highly pigmented foods and beverages like coffee, tea, coloured fruit juices, and certain sauces can stain teeth and are tough to remove. Consume them moderately.

    If you must indulge, make it a habit to drink or rinse with plain water afterward. Wash away debris before it settles on teeth surfaces.

  6. Be careful with over-the-counter whitening products.

    Over-the-counter tooth whitening products are accessible and often affordable too. But consult your dentist before trying them.

    Even if user reviews are positive, you’ll want to be sure it’s safe and suitable for you. Excessive or improper use may cause more harm than good.

Prevention is one of the best ways to whiten your teeth

Target plaque and debris right away before they leave stains on your teeth.

Always keep up with your routine oral examinations and hygiene cleanings. Even with regular brushing and flossing, stubborn debris will still be left behind. Your dental hygienist removes these deposits to prevent them from causing problems.

Not everyone has pearly white teeth, but it’s possible to brighten yours. Stick to dentist-recommended tooth whitening solutions.